Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Vacay: Day 1: Butterfly Palace and Ripleys!

We couldn't check into the hotel until 4 pm so we had planned on going to The Butterfly Palace first. We thought we had gone too far so we ended up turning around and driving about 15 minutes or so to get there, come to find out had we just gone another mile or so in the direction we had been going we would have been there............and yes we had a gps, it just wasn't taking the address we were inputing!

My kiddos....

a nice lady offered to take a family pic for us......

They had this interactive thing, it was supposed to be like being in some kind of tree in the tropics.

They had a cool mirror maze, it was completely dark except for some green lights so it looked as though you were in a tropical rainforest at night. It was really cool..........
 you really couldn't tell if there was a mirror in front of you or if it were in opening which is why they say to feel with your hands and DO NOT RUN..........
well, my son......took off running and.........BAM.....

right into a knocked him down and it was red for a couple of days. Crazy kid, maybe he will learn but I doubt it!

Then we went into the butterfly room.........
 and there were butterflys flying everywhere, it was very pretty!

The Butterfly Palace was fun, I definitely recommend it and would go back!

Next we went to Ripleys Believe it or not museum.........I was not so impressed, they had some cool things but I don't think we would go back........

Rylie on some contraption.

A fish with fur....apparently they lived in an extremely cold part of the ocean and adapted fur....weird!

My kids with the world's tallest man.

and with a rather large man!

and a big ball of yarn???? Not sure if this is supposed to be the biggest or what? By this point we were tired and cranky and ready to get to the hotel so I wasn't paying too much attention to the details!
The kids were wound up after 6 hours in the car and Chet was cranky so the first night was a bit rough but after that we had lots of fun!

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