Thursday, September 1, 2011

My little soccer star!!!

Katelin started micro soccer last Saturday and let me tell you...........she is the cutest little soccer player that I have ever seen!
 It was very Hot out and very sunny so I had to let her borrow my shades for a bit!
 She was sooo excited and then we get there and it's time for her to play and she did not want to and was trying to hide behind me. The kids tend to be clingier with me so I removed myself and had Daddy and Rylie go out with her. After a few minutes she was fine.

Giving High Fives!

She did awesome, she probably listened and followed directions the best of all the kids, i'm sooo proud of her!

Water Break!

The kids took turns on the sidelines, Katelin passed the time by picking grass, love the pic with her hands on her hips (little miss thang) and you can see in the last picture that by the end of the hour the kids were pretty much done!!!

Team High Fives!!!

We are getting back into the swing of things with school, the girls start dance next week and then Rylie will start volleyball and Owen football in a few weeks so life will be busy busy. Unfortunately Katelin will miss her next 2 games.....we will be out of town next weekend and have outdoor family pictures set up for the following Saturday. Then the last Saturday of September my mom, Chet and I are walking a 5k in memory of a special little boy...I will share more on that soon, if anyone is interested in walking with us let me know!!!

I have lots and lots of pictures and storys to share so I hope to get some serious blogging done in the next week so stay tuned!!!!!

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