Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pictures Galore....

Just a bunch of random pics from the last few months I wanted to share, I never get tired of looking at my gorgeos kiddos.....

Rylie lovin on her baby brother!

Jasmine and Katelin playing together!

An everyday occurence at our house, Katelin irritated at her brother and sister!

Evan loves baths and you cannot even take him in the bathroom or he gets mad when you don't put him in the tub!

My pretty girl!

Oh sorry mom.....did you not want these all over the kitchen floor?!?!?

My boy!

My baby boy!

He gets sooo excited when we pick the kids up from school and they get in the expedition!

Just Chillin!

Miss Rylie Jo!

My Kiddos!

Run Katelin Run!

Don't let her fool you.....she only looks this sweet and innocent!

And this is what we look like after spaghetti!!!

Playing outside!


He looked so cute with his ba ba and his blankie!

The kids found a jayhawk keychain so they wrapped it up and were sooo exited to give it to Grammy since she is a big KU fan!

Katelin Elizabeth!

This is Rylie.....mad at Mom!

and this is Owen....mad at Mom!

Gotta love the earrings!

My little man in his ADORABLE swim suit!

"You're sooo funny mommy"

Dylan and Owen......Best Buds!

The kids wanted to play outside one day and this is what they came up glad they have good imaginations!


A very very RARE quiet moment with Katelin!

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