Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget!

I'm certain that anyone reading this can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing 10 years ago today!

Chet and I were weeks away from our wedding, I was possibly pregnant with Rylie but i'm not sure. We were living in a rental house in Shawnee. Chet was 34 and I was 21. Matthew was 16, Cheston was 11 and Jakee was 9. My sweet niece Haylie would be turning 1 in less than a month! Chet's mom (who is no longer with us) was living with us. Chet was working for Elite Tree Service and I was working with my mom at AGA Group (aka Jim Hissong Ins.)

That exact Tuesday morning was a typical one....Chet and I were up and getting ready for work, we were in our bedroom. Then Chet's mom in a panick knocked on the door yelling a plane just hit the World Trade Centers. We turned on the TV and watched. We thought we were seeing a replay when we realized we weren't. Another plane hit the other tower. Shock. Sadness. Disbelief.

Chet and I went on to work. We had a little TV playing all day with the news. The morning was met with more shock, sadness and disbelief as the world heard/watched as the news of one tower collapsed and not long later the second tower collapsed. Then the world hears the news that a plane crashed into the Pentagon and another crash in a field in Shanksville,Pa.

There just are no words for the magnitude of this tragedy. To this day it can still bring me and i'm sure millions of other to tears. All the people who lost their lives......2996 to be exact.....fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, spouses, brothers, sisters.....friends! While their weren't many, a handful of children lost their lives in this tragedy. Firefighters and Police Officers trying to help, running into the disaster while everyone else ran out. The heroes on flight 93 who prevented the plane from hitting the white house. And I always think of all the unborn babies who never even had a chance. Also all the unborn babies who will never know their daddys. They are all kids now about Rylie's age.

I will be thinking of all of these people today, I carry them in my heart everyday. I am actually surprised at how this is alot tougher for me to type than I thought it would be. 10 years later still such a shock that it actually happened. It was incredible to see how America came together through this tragedy.

We Will Never Forget!

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