Thursday, September 29, 2011

From one extreme to another..........

That is how it felt on Saturday! I got up at 6am to get ready for my first 5k....a 5k I desparately wish did not exist but it does. It was the 1st annual Kade Meyer Celebration Run/Walk.....and it is a celebration of the life of Kade Meyer. A little boy that I never knew but he is so near and dear to my heart.

You know you hear sad stories all the time about kids and they all break your heart but sometimes there are certain ones that just won't leave your heart or your mind.....for some reason they affect you a little differently that the other stories.

Kades story is one of those for me, maybe because he lived in my community or maybe because it was such an unexpected tragedy that just shouldn't of happened even though noone was at fault. Just over a year ago shortly after school started Kade and his sister were leaving school crossing the same street they crossed everyday and Kade ran out between 2 parked cars and was hit by a car going just 25mph and had no way of seeing him. I remember watching the breaking news and thinking how scary but thinking that he will be okay. But he wasn't okay, he didn't make it. My heart broke for him, it also broke for his sister and his dad and I was devastated for his mom because as a mom I cannot imagine the pain and the heartache she has to feel every single day.

I feel honored to have been able to be a part of something in his memory, I plan on partaking in the run every year, it goes to a scholarship for a senior at our high school. A senior that has shown compassion because Kade had been awarded a compassion certificate at his school the prior year. I think of Kade often, he is forever a part of my heart and when my kids are driving me CRAZY all I have to do is picture his sweet little face and whatever there doing just doesn't seem so bad. I was brought to tears the morning of the run to see all the people there, almost 1000 people walking/running to honor a very special little boy. I'm brought to tears while typing this and I pray I never have to know this kind of pain.

If you want to read more about Kade or learn about the run go to !

 The morning of the run.
 We took Evan but not the other kids....he was a good boy, just chilled in his stroller!
 Chet and I crossing the finish line, my mom's knee was acting up so her and Evan ducked out a little bit early!

As soon as the run was over I gathered the kids and went to Christopher's bday party, attempted to get to Katelin's soccer game but missed it and so went home to get Rylie and myself ready because we were going to the Taylor Swift concert with Abby and Angie. I tell you what that girl puts on a darn good show!

2 years ago both our families traveled to St. Louis so the four of us could see her in concert and the girls were super lucky....AJ(Abby's dad) was able to get them meet and greet tickets. It was pretty awesome to see the girls getting to meet their idol.

Her autographed picture.

Meeting Taylor in 2009!
Taylor in concert Saturday night.
 The girls all ready for Taylor.

 My girl and I in 2009 ready for her first concert.

 My girl and I on Saturday ready for Taylor again!
The concert was at Arrowhead and I got home about 1 am as soon as my head hit the pillow Evan woke up and was not happy.....I finally got him back to sleep at almost 5am so I was basically up for 24 hours straight. I won't complain though......I was tired the next day but I have 4 beautiful happy healthy kiddos and for that I am forever matter how tired, how cranky or how frustrated I am I am always always greatful for all that I have been blessed with!!!

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