Monday, September 19, 2011

Family Vacay Day 2: Resort Pool and Go Carts!

So the resort we stayed at had an awsome pool and we had planned on spending a full day just hanging out at the pool well.............the water was FREEZING cold so we spent maybe an hour or so and that was it.

It was seriously cold so we didn't even get to go play by the waterfall. I couldn't get in beyond my ankles....I don't know how the kids did it.....brrrrrr!

 Evan played in it like it was nothing.....crazy kid, he must be cold blooded!
 Uh Oh.....he didn't get his way on something!
 Playing with baby Zayne.....
 We moved to the hot tub......much better!

After our polar plunge in the pool we got dressed and went to dinner with Chris, Michelle and their crew and then to the go cart tracks! By the way, if you are ever in Branson and want some good barbeque, I recommend Danna's was yummy!

Oh my poor little Katelin....they had these little go carts and you have to be 4 to ride them so we said she was 4 (she's 3 1/2) and she just didn't get the whole around the corner and went into the wall and I think she was just overwhelmed with it and started to cry. When they guy came to help her she started to hit him, he pushed her back to the front and went to unbuckle her and she started to hit him again. Uncle Chris thought she was trying to give him high five but she wasn't she was hitting him. She ran to me and cried for a poor girl. She rode in the big go carts with me and loved those, I just think she was overwhelmed with not knowing how to steer and give gas.
 The big kids rode the go carts for their size and had fun......
 they got to go around a the last lap Rylie drove by saying "I don't want to do this anymore" was funny!
 Watching the big kids....still a little traumatized!

So.....I took her on a ride she really wanted to go on!
The one ride the kids really really wanted to go on were the bumper boats and somehow I got suckered into going with them.....which wouldn't have been a big deal but....
these boats have squirters on them and my two kids and our nieces Mikayla and Kaylynn were all squirting me and Katelin.......Not Fun! Little Stinkers!
Then we spent a little bit of time in the arcade.....
We didn't even have to turn on any of these for Evan as long he had a steering wheel he was a Happy boy!

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