Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Vacay Day 2: The Wax Museum

The wax museum was very fun and we got lots (and I mean LOTS) of fun pictures..............

This is where they make their money, your not allowed to take your own pics here so we bought this one.....

I did manage to get one before I realized I wasn't supposed to (oops)!

Were off to see the wizard....the wonderful wizard of oz....

Life is like a box of chocolates.......

I Dream of Jeannie........ 

My boys and.........Batman!

Daddy punching out Jim Carey aka the riddler!

Silly kiddos.... shouldn't mess with an angel!!!

Well Helloooooooo Mr. Hefner.........

Rocky Balboa......

An Ice cream cone from Elvis......

Rylie and Marilyn!
 Men in Black........

Captain Jack Sparrow....

 Yes Leo.....your the king of the world!!!!

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