Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Vacay: Day 1: the drive and the hotel

So last Thurday morning we loaded up to head to Branson.....a 4 hour trip! It took us about 6...we had to give an estimate, wash the expediton, buy a stamp, eat breakfast.....well you get the point! We left the house around 8:30 and arrived in Branson around 2:30.
All ready to go!!!

Finally asleep......we were almost to Branson when they finally took a nap!

We saw some amish folks going down the shoulder of the highway.

We also found Evan's Road on our way down to Branson!

Owen watching the scenery.
 Our Hotel Room:

 We had them put a crib in the room for Evan as you can see he ended up in bed with us the first 2 nights....the third he did sleep in the crib all night but he just didn't like that crib and I don't blame him....I think it was probably 30 years old!
 My kids were so excited to have their own bedroom in the hotel with 2 beds, the first night Rylie slept on 1 and Katelin and Owen in the other. That was it for that....the next 2 nights they all slept on the fold out sofa in the living room area!!!

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