Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bon Fire Pit!

Is it weird that we like to sit in the driveway and cook brats and hotdogs over the fire pit??? We do live in the country so maybe it's a little less weird now! The kids love it, I think they would be happy doing it for dinner every night!

 Hanging with his big sis....

 Daddy being goofy.....
 Look Mama....I can go head first....
 Haylie and Dylan spent the night so we decided to cook over the fire pit again....

We also went to a bonfire at Owen's coaches house a few weeks back, it was a BIG bonfire and Chet took some fun pictures...........

The bon fire....

Standing in front of the fire....

This pic turned out sooo funny, it looks like they are running for their lives....

My happy boy and me....

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