Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Photo Shoot!

I am not a professional photographer by any means but I do have a pretty decent camera and I just got a new lense for it that is supposed to be good for taking portraits. I have lots to learn and luckily I have some good looking subjects to practice on. It gets hard with 4 kids to keep up with professional portraits so if I could do some myself it would be awsome.

So Chet and I took the kids to the park to put our photography skills to practice and here is what we got......

The kids could see the playground and their minds were on getting there so they were being a little difficult but we (or I should say Chet) did manage to get this picture which I think turned out awesome....

Chet was going for a profile pic of the kiddos......

By now the kids (especially Evan) were getting antsy, I think if they were more cooperative these would have turned out really good!

Abby went with us so I got a few pics of Ry and Abby together, they turned out really cute.

The kids were done with pics so we went to the playground, I kept shooting though, I do like the wood as a backdrop.....
Katelin asked me to take some pictures her doing her modeling look (Rylie has her warped) but they turned out so funny, the wind was even blowing her hair back like in a modeling shoot.....

Playing on the teeter totter.... I was on the other end so she wasn't going anywhere..ha!
Peek a Boo....I see you.....

Evan has such a great smile, I thought these next 2 pics turned out really good.....

Then he found Daddy and I's drink, this kid goes crazy when he see's a cup with a straw....if you don't want him to have it or you don't want to hear crazy screaming then you keep it hidden. He spotted it and I gave in because we were at the park and I didn't want a child screaming bloody murder!

Definitely not a pro but I think we did an alright job, we just need to keep practicing and keep learning!

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