Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sleeping Beauties...........

there is something so sweet about sleeping may be the fact that they are quiet, peaceful, quiet, so cute...oh did I mention how quiet they are?!?! So here are some pics of my babies sleeping away........

It's not too often we end up with 3 kiddos in our bed but occasionally it does happen (a few times we had all 4 in our bed....that makes for a long night) and I try my best to sleep in the little sliver of bed that I end up with. We do let them bring a mattress in our room and on our floor about once a month, I always like having all my kiddos right there with me safe and sound!

 Fell asleep face first.....

 My sweet baby boy....sleeping away....

Quiet time for mama while waiting at school for the big kids....

He was thinking so hard that he fell fast asleep.....

On the weekends the kids like to sleep on the couch in the living room so this is often what I wake up to on a Saturday or Sunday morning........

 When Grammy went to Las Vegas we picked her up from the airport but her plane didn't get in until 11pm so this is what our ride to the airport looked like...........

 They sure were happy to see their Grammy though...........
 My little booger butt....
 Not asleep but hanging out in Evie's bed.......

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