Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The past few days my life has been somewhat consumed with ..........

you guessed!

It started on Saturday....
when Rylie got a feather in her hair. This is the new fad with the kids now and it turned out super cute!

Katelin got one too....but hers is just a clip on! 

 Then on Sunday...I took Katelin to get bangs!
What do you think?

I can't decide...she looks so different! I think I might let them grow back out???
This next picture is funny....she keeps trying to look up at her hair and this is the funny face she makes...

In case you can't is what she looked like before....

Oh how I wish this was the end of my hair tale but it is not....
Monday evening something caught my attention and this was the result....

Owen was itching his head so I took a look and discovered lice.....YUCK!
I knew with all these kids that I would probably have to deal with it at some point...I just hoped that I would not.

So we headed to Walgreen's that night and stocked up on supplies because I knew if 1 kid had it....then probably at least 1 or 2 others did and.......

yeap.......all 3 of least Evie didn't!

So Chet and I waged warfare because I wasn't going to let those nasty things remain in my house or on my children's heads!

We have washed all the sheets (the ones they slept on Monday night were washed twice), all the coats, hats, gloves, scarfs have been washed. All pillows have been run through the dryer, mattresses sprayed and vacuumed, all sofa's and chairs sprayed and vacuumed. Kids have had their hair treated and hand picked through by me.
I am freaking out....what if I missed just one??? Will this all start again??? Will we ever be bug free again??? Will my head ever stop itching??? AHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Chet and I both treated ourselves but never found anything but both of our heads have been itching like crazy!!!
The school nurse called today and they both appeared to be lice free so let's hope because the past 2 days have sucked! I hope we never have to go through it again but I still have 2 kids that haven't even started shcool so we'll just keep our fingers crossed and be thankful that my house it really really clean right now!!!

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