Thursday, November 24, 2011

What my Kiddos are grateful for.........

I asked my kiddos to tell me what they are most grateful for and this is what they said............

My family, turkey, God, Me (meaning herself...she is a confident child and I love that about her), Cayenne (our blue heeler), Johnny(our kitty), parents, Jesus, having a family that supports me, little xmas tree(she got her own little tree for her room), tooth brushes to keep our teeth clean, clothes, teachers because they help you learn and school because that is where we learn at.

Family, Cayenne, Evan (he is very happy he got a little brother), Johnny, christmas, birthdays, school, teachers, food, God because he made food , clothes, beds, underwear (yeah....I don't know either!), water, animals,light, light bulbs( I think at this point he thought he just needed to keep thinking of things).

Katelin is thankful for.....everyone and that's all!

I'm going to speak on Evan's behalf....he is thankful for Mama, Dada, Grammy, his bubbie and his sissies, milk, his ba ba, his toys, hugs and kisses and drinks with straws (because he really really loves those).

I know I did all of mine in my last post but just one more shout out to my babies.....I am so thankful to have these remarkable kiddos call me Mama. And I am so proud of them for the things they are thankful for, I did not probe them just asked them to tell me what they are thankful for and I think they have great mention of their toys and all of the material things they have but they, even at their ages, realize what is really important in life!

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