Monday, November 7, 2011

Random Pics!

Have I mentioned that life has been BUSY lately??? Oh, trust me it has......that is why I had a total of 2 blog post the entire month of October....usually I have anywhere from 10 to 20 something! But don't worry I have been preparing post like a crazy person tonight so I will have lots of them coming up in the next week or so!

So this post will consist of lots of pictures that didn't make a particular post but I wanted to share them anyway...........

Baby Emily (Mandy's little girl) and Katelin, she loooooves babies...just like her mama!

I think they look like 2 heads on 1 body in the snuggie!

Evan looooves his Daddy and he loooooves his Daddy's truck!

Multi tasker.....drawing, basketball and ballet!

My book worm, she loves to read. Her favorite books are the Bad Kitty series.

This picture makes me giggle.

He's been trying to ride his bike without training wheels, unfortunately living on a gravel road doesn't give him a great place to learn so next spring we will have to spend some time at the park working on it.

Such a handsome guy, my sweet O!

Seriously?!?!? Too cute for words!

Come on Dad...i'll show you the way! It was so cute, he would hold his hand up opening and closing his fist because he wanted Daddy's hand! A serious awwww moment!

For about a week the bees ate off our feeder everyday.

Don't worry Owen....I got your ball!

Beautiful.....if I do say so myself!

This is a picture I found on my camera, Katelin was the photographer here. I guess O's football practice was boring to her.

Evan in the little playhouse.

Daddy was putting together the new bed we got Rylie. Owen was super excited to help Daddy and he did a great job. Evan wanted to help too but once he was done with that bottle I had to take him in the other room and get him out of the way. Rylie just sat on the bed "supervising".  Ev and Katelin did enjoy jumping on the new matress.

The kids like to use the treadmill as a stage, it's pretty entertaining.
Daddy and Katelin painting a picture of a deer, Katelin has this picture hanging in her room!

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