Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Boy and his Toys......

No, i'm not talking about this sweet boy......

 although he does love his toys....almost as much as he loves dumping them out and sitting in their basket!

I'm not talking about this handsome boy either.....although he does like the new toys too!

I would be talking about this boy and this new toy..........

oh....and this is the other new toy..........

This is Chet giving Evan and I a ride...and yes I took the picture while we were moving.

So these are our 2 new go carts.....the kids all love them......

 Rylie and Abby trying to out run each other....

The little ones love going for rides....Evan also loves just sitting in them pretending to drive....

 Crazy Girls.......

Rylie cruisin around with Katelin....

We let Owen drive one with Chet or I riding with him but he is not real comfortable with it yet (it's pretty much stop, go, stop, go.) Rylie has it down but she has been driving the 4 wheeler for years now so i'm sure O will be cruisin around in no time.

So these are Daddy's new toys, he got an incredible deal on them and they are going to be a lot of fun for the entire family. He is just like a big kid on them though!!!

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