Sunday, January 8, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 1

So, you remember me saying I was going to do a photo challenge.....well I am and the challenge is to take at least 1 photo everyday for an entire year. I tend to take a lot of photos but I don't take them daily so this will be a bit of a challenge but my first week was a success so here we go....

Abby and Rylie eating black eyed peas on New Years Day....everyone has to eat at least one pea because it brings you luck throughout the year....and i'm happy to say all the kids willingly ate a bowl of rice and peas except for Katelin. I had to sneak her a few hidden under the rice and she never ever knew!!!

I cleaned out our shelves with all the games and art supplies and I found this picture...Chet and the kids made it sometime last year after they got these made me smile.


My little artist hard at work.

You may remember the cardboard boxes the kids played with christmas night....well they are currently in Katelins room. You may also remember me saying I had some goals for this year....getting Katelin to sleep in her room is one of those goals. On this night she said she would sleep in her room but she wanted to sleep on the floor, I went in to check on her and she had moved into the box. No she did not stay there all night, she never even fell asleep in there before ending up in my bed but we are working on it and she is asleep in her bed as I type this tonight.

Yes January 5 and my boys are playing outside with no coats because it was like 62 degrees out......this winter has been unbelievably warm and we are taking advantage of it when we can!

Right before taking this picture I had just said to Katelin...." not paint on your brother!".....oh, the life of a mama!

Evan and is a cute picture except for the snot and dirty faces but still cute....right???

So there you first week of my challenge....only 51 weeks to go....we shall see how it goes!!! 
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