Thursday, January 5, 2012

What about the Grown Ups???

I spend a lot of time talking about and sharing things about my kiddos and I love love love to do that but I not right i'm going to share a little about Chet and I's Christmas. I won't bore you with everything we got but wanted to share our favorite things.

Chet got his Call of Duty game (I get him the new one every year), and I got him a DeWalt hammer drill which he is really excited to use. My mom ordered him some Olathe Tree shirts with our logo on it.

I got the nook for my bday and Natalie gave me this awesome candle....I love it. Then for Christmas I got a couple pair of my favorite slippers and a Rachael Ray EVOO container (i've been wanting one for like 3 years now) and I was so excited to get a nice potato peeler so now I can throw away my crappy one. My mom also got us an electric blanket with duel controls which is perfect for us because i'm always hot at night and Chet could sleep in a sauna.

But my most special gifts were a big canvas print of my babies and 3 more willow tree figurines to add to my favorite is the mom rocking the baby with the quilt covering them (it reminds me of when Evan and I rock and I think it looks like him).

And this is how my wall looks with my picture and my willow trees, I need to get one more thing to hang to the right of my big pic to make it look more balanced.

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