Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twas the night before Christmas.....

Well the first 3 pics are from 4 nights before but you get my drift.

I didn't take any pics at the kids school parties but I did take a pic of the treats they shared and the gift for their teachers.

Pumpkin cupcakes and a letter K for Mrs. Koerkenmeier....

Rice Krispy snowmen (that I will never make again they were a pain in the butt and then his teacher didn't see them and they never got passed out but that's okay they were at least cute....kinda???) and a letter C for Mrs. Crooker.
And I made a letter D for Dance for Katelin to give to Miss Karly her dance teacher....

I had seen these crayon initial and thought they were so cute.....I am not a fan of doing crafts....I like the finished product just don't so much enjoy the act of making them but i'm glad I did. They didn't turn out too bad. Katelin wanted to know why I was cutting up so many crayons. She is a coloring fanatic so it probably traumatized her.

Anyway.....let's get to the night before christmas....

We went to Chester and Doris' during the Chiefs game and they let the kid's open their gifts and they gave us a home depot gift card which will definitely come in handy for us. We got to visit and had a good time, the kids really liked their gifts so Thank you so much Grandma and Papa!

Chris and Michelle and their crew arrived so Evan and Zayne got to play for a bit...don't worry I stopped Evan before he konked Zayne in the head with those trucks!

We left shortly after the game, we wanted to get home and give the kids some down time before bed. After being home for a while we got in christmas jammies, read Twas the night before Christmas, set out milk and cookies and sent the kids off to bed with Grammy!

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