Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our start to the New Year.....

has been pretty uneventful and that is fine by me!

The kids who would willingly eat their black eyed peas on New Years Day.
My little Evie Paghetti.....he likes to put food in his hair....silly boy!
Owen playing xbox....he can actually keep up with his daddy on all the games now.

Katelin in a box.....

Chillaxin in his chair....

She is the princess and she knows it....

Owen had his first basketball game and he did awesome! He was really getting into it and going after the ball....I am so proud of him....they were in the lead most the game but didn't quite win this time but it was close.

Mama's little helper....he loooves to vacuum but he also will help unload the dishwasher but i've had to learn to get the glasses put away before he helps because a few have broken while my head was turned.

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