Friday, January 20, 2012

Evan Evan Evan....

So we had another beautiful January day on Monday and we spent a lot of it outside.....the big kids were busy playing doing their own thing so.......

that left me to terrorize Evan with my camera and I took lots of pictures of my sweet baby boy....
daddy got home and all he wanted to do was get in the truck with him......

Katelin took a few minutes to play with Evan but went right back to the big kids.....

he loooves to be outside so he really enjoyed the beautiful weather....

he got to play in the dirt like little boys are supposed to.....

his tushy got all dirty.....isn't it the cutest little tushy you have ever seen.....

he sometimes makes this face trying to cheese for the camera....

a smile that melts my heart.....

just going for a stroll......

don't worry daddy, I think I can fix your truck.....

Again....the cutest little tushy EVER.....

Evan and daddy playing with his car.....

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