Monday, January 23, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 3


Katelin told me her tummy hurt and she wanted "the bowl" so thinking she was fine and just faking....I went ahead and gave her the bowl and she preceded to fall asleep on my bed with the bowl while watching cartoons. An hour and a half later....she woke up and puked all over the kitchen floor, she was sick several more times into the night and woke up feeling fine the next morning.
Another beautiful January day in the 60's and Cayenne loved it....she has an inoperable tumor in her nose and struggles lots of days so it was good to see her enjoying the nice day.

We went to my grandma's house to help her move some stuff in her basement and even Evan pitched in.

One night with one sick kid is too good to be true....Owen threw up in middle of the night, I got him back in bed and the next morning I found him in bed on a towel....he had gotten sick again and cleaned it up himself, my poor baby....I told him to ALWAYS wake me up if he is sick, he shouldn't have to take care of himself. Rylie woke up to get ready for school and said her tummy hurt so I decided to let her stay home too, good choice within 30 minutes she was also puking.

Second day home from school, they were feeling much much better so we made pancakes for breakfast.

Playing around before we left to take the big kids to school, I love the look on Evies face.

Daddy playing football with the boys before we left to go to the Japanese steakhouse for Grammy's birthday, Evan was blowing rasberries.
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