Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Christmas 2011

Santa made it to our house this year and he was very generous......

He always fills our bucket with family gifts and man has the kinect been a huge hit in our is a lot of fun and a great way to spend time together (not to mention the excercise we get)!

Rylie got an Ipod Touch and some accessories to go with it.....she is my little music fanatic and she LOVES it.....

Owen really wanted the Legos Pirates of the Carribbean set and he got it now we just have to find a place away from the littles to start putting it together.....

Katelin wouldn't sit with Santa this year or last year (keeping my fingers crossed for next year)....she told me she wanted him to bring her a McDonalds playset but I think she is pretty happy with her doll and doodle bear (and don't worry mom and dad got her the McD's playset she wanted).....

And my little Evan got a new bus with a slide and he LOVES it.........

After stocking and Santa's gifts we let them open gifts from us.....

Then we wait for Brandin, Natalie and their crew and do that gift exchange and then breakfast. Grammy always make breakfast pizza and waffles (I think we may have to make 2 pizzas next year)

We hang out at home for a bit and then head to Nanny's house where the kids each have a gift from her to open and we hang out for a while and head home.....

After we got home the kids preceded to play with 2 big boxes ....yes, no kidding, all 4 of them played with the boxes that Evan and Xander's little recliners from Grammy came in.....but they had fun and made a memory and that is what makes it special.....

We did get one more christmas surprise......the stomach flu, it was pretty mild....Katelin threw up right after seeing what Santa brought her, she came running in the kitchen with her hands over her mouth and luckily made it to the kitchen sink. Owen's belly hurt xmas eve and Rylie and Chet got hit with it the day after xmas. I felt queasy for several days but never got it full force and Evan got sick xmas night from coughing and I took him to the docotor on Friday and he has 2 ear infections but seems to be feeling better now. Like I said it didn't have anyone laid up on the couch or anything but still no fun! Other than that we had an incredible christmas and are very blessed in countless ways.
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