Monday, January 2, 2012

It's my Birthday.....

and I'll cry if I want to!!! (You would cry to if it happened to you.....)

Sorry if i got the song stuck in your head now.....and I didn't cry on my fact it was a great night!

Winter break began for the kids on the 22nd and the 23rd (my b-day) Haylie, Dylan and Abby came over and Chet had to work so I spent the day all alone with 7 kids (and like I said....I didn't cry one time, screamed and yelled maybe but no crying). Actually they were pretty good.

So that night we went to's a japanese steak house and we went to the Hibachi Grill. Chet doesn't like to try new foods so he wasn't crazy about the idea but it was my birthday so he had no choice!

He and the kids all ended up LOVING it. Our cook was so funny and entertaining. The food was awesome and we just all had a great time. The kids were all entertained and so well behaved!

The cook kept messing with Owen, it was funny. He had a great time but I don't think he touched any of his food (he is definitely my picky eater). Evan and Xander were just watching everything, when he first fired  the grill it scared Xander and he cried.
Katelin just kept watching and smiling....then he started doing something with the rice and Katelin goes "look it's Mickey" and she was right he was making Mickey Mouse out of the rice. Leave it to Katelin my little Mickey fanatic!!!

Of coure at a Japanese steak house you have to catch shrimp (or chicken if you are Chet or I who don't eat seafood)

I'm not sure what's going on here but it looked like such a typical Katelin/

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