Sunday, January 15, 2012

365 Photo Challenge Week 2


I've mentioned a time or two Evan's vacuum obsession....well now he found a way to store straws in the vacuum!
We bought a new office chair and plastic mat and the kids were sooo excited to help Daddy put it together.

Evie with yet another vacuum....this time he decided to just sit and vacuum!
Little miss sassy britches in her cute little shower towel!
We actually got snow in this unbelievably warm winter and the kids couldn't wait to play in it....I on the other hand took this picture through the window from the warmth of my house because it was cooooold outside.
Stupid Friday the 13th almost got me on my photo challenge.....I couldn't find any pictures from this day until I checked Chet's phone and we had this one picture on it that we took while waiting to be seated at dinner. And when I say waited.....I mean waited...we left one restaurant after waiting 20 - 30 minutes because the mexican restaurant said it was only a 10 minute wait....well, we got there and waited over an hour....ugh!
Girls Night Out....shot some pool (which I now officailly suck at), had a few drinks (never got the strawberry daquari I wanted because 2 of the 3 places we went had a broken blender), good conversation and lots of was fun and a much needed outing with my girls! I'm getting old though, was tired(and missing my hubby) and was home by 12:30.

Angie, Monica, Amy, me, Jaime, Mandy, Kristin and Meredith.

So week 2 of my photo challenge and haven't missed a day yet!!!!
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