Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 Wrap Up!

Just a few more things from the holiday season that I wanted to share:

Katelin and Evan decided to decorate Kinley's swing with Christmas ornaments!

Owen rode home with Brandin and Natalie after the train ride we went on and they saw this so they stopped to take a picture of Owen in front of it!

The kids painting ornaments, Rylie painted an angel and she wanted to dedicate it to the kids who died during the Sandy Hook tragedy so on the back she wrote in memory of the Sandy Hook Kids....she's got a good heart and I love that about her!

Kinley in one of her festive shirts!

Here are the ornaments Grammy gave the kids on polar express night, I think it's pretty easy to tell which one belongs to who!

Along with my hubby these are the peeps I rang in the New Year with, Evie was pretty tired by midnight....he went straight to bed after this pic!

Well and after a quick toast!

Since they got snowed out the day of their winter parties they just brought home a few things they made and were supposed to bring home before christmas....

Owen made Daddy and I a Christmas card, it says: Dear Mom and Dad Have a Great Christmas! Hope you like your present, I think that you will like it. Have a very great Christmas!

and the ornament he made....

Rylie also made an ornament....

and Katelin made a picture of a Christmas tree, we had this hanging on the fridge during Christmas, love the homemade things they make!!!!

I have decided to do my photo challenge again for 2013 and I think I will be doing one more challenge....one that i'm a little nervous about doing but I think I should so you will hear more about that one real soon!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for photo challenge!

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