Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Photo Challenge Week 1 (and that other challenge I mentioned)


New years day was also 3 months to the day we met our beautiful baby girl....what a blessing she has her!!!


My full of life and beauty!

She also has a little tomboy in her, she wanted to dress in Owen's clothes but even dressed as a boy she is still as pretty as can be, she wouldn't let me take her pic so I had to get one while she was running by!

Boys and their toys!

She loves to cook!

The beanbag chair makes a great little nap spot!

3 beanbag chairs make a great stool!!!

There you have first week of the 2013 photo challenge, let's see if I can go all year and take at least one picture every day!

Oh.....are you wondering about that other challenge I mentioned doing????
Okay.....I am going to do a weight loss challenge! Yes, i'm going to share my weight and my journey on my blog! Why? Well I think it will hold me accountable and help me stick to it! Let's hope it works.

So, what is my approach.....I am going to use to keep track of what I eat (I highly recommend it if you are trying to change your eating habits, it's a great site). If anyone signs on to mfp.....please friend me on there! I am also hoping to buy a spin bike soon, I think I would like spin classes but with my kiddos and my life it just isn't possible to go to them so I can do them here. I would try to walk more but let's face it.....if I have to go walk alone with noone to chat with then it just ain't gonna happen.

I'm aiming for a diet similar to the diabetic diet I was on while pregnant.....lots of protein and not a lot of carbs and sugar!  I don't consider myself fat just chunky however when I did my BMI on MFP (my fitness pal) it said according to my BMI that I was just shy of being considered obese so that  is freaky and I need to change some things.

So here is the scary part......i'm going to share my weight! I keep trying to think of other things to share so I don't have to type those numbers yet, it is scarier than I thought it would be.....putting it all out there for people to judge, not that I think you all will judge me but I guess I judge myself is just a little scary so here I go........I currently weigh.......183 lbs!!!!! I am 5' 6" and I have set a current goal to get down to 150 lbs. Once I reach that goal I will reassess and decide if I am happy there or if I want to lose more. So 33 lbs!!!!!!

I am blessed to have a husband who always tells me i'm beautiful and doesn't look at me like i'm gross and fat so thank you for that honey! So hopefully I follow through and post this and hopefully by this summer I am well on my way to reaching my we. go.
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Monica said...

I'm anywhere from 187-192 depending on the week, and i'm 5-4. I have roughly 40-50lbs to lose. I hope that makes you feel better. We can't fix things we don't face. You can totally do it!! Just remember you shouldn't be starting a diet. If it's something you can't stick with for the long term than it won't work for the long term. Moderation is a much more effective way of going about it. Kick it up and go after it!! Although i have a hard time losing weight but at least i'm much fitter than i was a year ago.I think we are already friends on MFP, so see you there! Love ya!!

Unknown said...

2 things
1. I'm glad I'm not the only one doing a photo challenge for a blog!
2. You are so much stronger/braver than I. I don't want Paul to see the scale when I weigh myself let alone post it on my blog. It would make me so accountable...and I'm not quite to that point yet. YOU GO GIRL!! We can go for walks if you want! I would love to have a walking buddy that doesn't mind extra jabber from me and my kids!

Whatever said...

I am 5'4 and I am 168 pounds or so at this point. It is just a number, it is not who you are. I am here for childcare if you want to get to a gym. You are tough momma, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Go get em girl. Love you

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