Thursday, January 24, 2013

Name that book?

Owen has been struggling a little bit in school especially with reading so we are working really hard on it at home.

One night Katelin and I climbed up on the top bunk of his bed with him so he could read us a story......

eventually Evan joined us too.....

Owen did a great job, i'm proud of him....he is getting there! This particular night he chose a rather popular book....can you name it????

While your thinking about it....I will share a pic of my Ry reading a book, she reads in bed every night before lights out....

currently she is really enjoying a chicken soup for the soul book, I used to read those all the time!

And of course Katelin wanted her picture taken with one of her books!

So did you figure out the name of the book Owen was reading.......

Yeap....Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got this Owen!!

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