Sunday, January 6, 2013

Snow Day!

The last day of school before winter break the kids had a snow day, which was kind of a bummer since the had winter parties planned.....but we made some fun out of the day! Can't really tell them they can't play in it when we had virtually no snow last winter.

Katelin is all about snow angels....

and she made a beautiful one!

Sure hope that wasn't yellow snow!

Really his first time to play in snow....

he didn't quite get the snow angel concept but he tried!

Owen...king of the mountain!

and the rest join him!

Gotta try jumping on the trampoline!

Our pretty backyard!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love snow. I really do. I just dread all the work that comes with it when all the kids want to play in it! GREAT pictures Shannon!

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