Sunday, January 13, 2013

Over all.....

I really think Evan loves his baby sister, it is just a big change.....

sometimes he can be mean to her, he has in the past bitten her on the hands and feet, he has hit her and he has pulled on her arms and legs. I think he has learned that this behavior is unacceptable because when he has done those things he got in BIG trouble.

But there are times when he is so sweet to her, he will kiss her, hug her and ask to "hole baby" and I try to let him hold her when he ask. He refers to her as "mama's baby"!

I thought they were awfully cute in their little overalls (get the pun with the title....okay maybe it's a little cheesy but still cute)!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pun, err, title! Evan will be fine...and Kinley will be one tough cookie!

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