Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 4

My beautiful girl!

Swinging on a gorgeous January day!

Every once in a while we end up with 4 kids in our bed, that makes 6 of us total....we don't all fit in the king size bed to well and Yes, I actually was squeezed in there between Kinley and Chet!

There is that smile that I Love soooo much!

Me and my handsome boys (and a screaming Kinley who I assure you I tended to as soon as this picture was snapped)

Look at that sweet sweet little face.....oh I love her sooooo much and she loves sitting in her new highchair it is really handy when i'm making dinner and she can still see me!

I had to share one more picture from this day because my beautiful girl finally got her ears pierced after years of wanting to but always being to scared to do it......she looks so pretty with her new earrings.

This child wears me out but I that's okay....i'm grateful she is here and healthy and able to wear me out and drive me bananas!!!! I am also thankful when she goes to sleep at night and I get a little quiet time!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are doing the challenge. I love seeing pics!!

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