Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kinley Ryann 3 Months

New Year's Day was not only the first day of 2013 but it was also 3 months to the day we met our sweet baby Kinley!

And there really is no better way to describe her....she really is just the sweetest thing ever!

She is a good sleeper, often she will sleep 7 1/2 hours in her little bed next to ours....not all the time but that's okay, when she wakes up she snuggles up with mama and sleeps until we get up....and I love those moments!


She knows how to use her bottom lip to her advantage....I mean look at her, how could you not melt at that sad little boo boo face.....

but most the time she is pretty content, especially when she's being held.....she loves to be held!

She is smiling and cooing more and more....

and has given daddy a few little giggles.... he is an awfully funny guy!

She loves to chew on her little fingers.

She is in size 2 diapers and just started wearing her 3-6 month clothes. And she looks A LOT like Katelin did as a baby but with darker hair!

The older kids are still crazy about her with maybe the exception of Evie (although he does show her some love and isn't as mean to her now), and Katelin still wants to hold her and tote her around all the time.

She brightens my day.....everyday! If i'm grumpy or having a bad day I just have to sit in my rocker with my sweet baby girl and everything seems better. And I must say that her daddy is awfully crazy about her too!

It's crazy that she is already 3 months old but it also feels like she has always been with us, I know I could not imagine my life without her now that she is here. A look back comparing her at 1, 2 and 3 months.......

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe she is 3 months old already!
And the chubby cheeks...get out! Great work Momma!

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