Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guess what I found on my camera......

self portraits of my beautiful girl....

and not just one....

but many with

many different faces.....


her beautiful face....

isn't all....

she took pictures of!

She took a picture of the TV....

and her baby sister.....

she also got these two rotten boys.

She took pictures of dolls, this one is a little creepy.

not sure what Strawberry is doing.

She even played around with the lighting!

and took a milestone 3 month photo.

Oh look.....not only a pic of Kinley but also the photographer's foot!


She likes the close up's

and one last one of mama and Kinley!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love looking at what the kids take pictures of! It's fascinating to see things from their point of view!

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