Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pictures that coulda, shoulda and.....

woulda most likely made my photo chanllenge had I completed it!

Evan went through a phase of wanting to wear Owen's jacket....he would insist!

5 little bumps on a log.....I sure love those little bumps!!!

I love when my kids snuggle each sweet!

It doesn't seem possible that I have a kid this old,,,,she is a pain in my butt but she is also an amazing girl whom I love soooo very much!

My O man!

My beautiful daughters!

Owen and Sophie.....this kid seriously has a HUGE heart, that's why the animals love him....I think they can sense his kindness (he reminds me a lot of his big brother Cheston)!

Do you see anything unusual about this pic of Katelin???

It's kinda hart to see in pics but this is when her cheek back by her ear was so swollen, why? Clogged saliva gland...weird huh??? Cleared up with antibiotics!

He looks like he is loving on his little sister but he was probably getting ready to be mean to her, that's his devilish yet handsome grin!

They were very intently watching cartoons!

He is pouting because I wanted a picture of him in his new carhartt coat, Owen got one just like it!

There's my sweet happy him!

How many Farage kids can fit on Abby's lap? Barely 3!!!

She likes to tote her baby around, a common phrase in my house.....KATELIN....put Kinley down and leave her alone!!!!!

She sure does love her though and thtat makes me happy!

This just full of life and she has this amazing natural beauty! Of course, I may be a bit biased!

A couple of my boys playing with daddy's toys (We got Chet a galaxy tablet for christmas, it's a big hit in the house.)
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