Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Family Vacay Day 4: Silver Dollar City.....Again!

The tickets for SDC were good for 2 days and we had to leave early Saturday to get ready for Daniel's wedding so there were a few things we didn't get to do, so since we could get in again we thought we would go back for a little bit.

We always have to start with a group picture.....

 Daddy and Evan on the train.....
 On the carousel.....Rylie and Owen pretending to not have fun because they think they're too old for this but I know better (especially since they didn't have to ride it but they chose too....shhhh don't tell them I told you!)

Oh, sweet freedom.....probably Evan's favorite part of SDC, he was free from that darn stroller and playing with sand!!!
Cousins....Rylie, Katelin, Owen, Mikayla and Kaylynn.
Our final stop....the plunge again....yes, all my kids wanted to go again.... even Rylie! So Michelle kept in eye on Evan so we could all go and she snapped this picture......if only you could have seen the kid's faces, Rylie's was priceless!
Oh wait, you can......they sell those things out there and this one was too good not to buy....
If you click on it you can see it bigger and really see Rylie's eyes buggin out....too funny!

We left SDC about 1pm, stopped in Ozark and ate lunch at Braum's and hit the road and did not stop until we got home (except for a liquor store near our house, trust me....Daddy earned it!) The big kids slept most the way home.....the little kids slept not a single wink the entire 4 hour drive home....boy were we glad to be home and out of the car!!!

The kid's in their Silver Dollar City shirts.....

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Grat pictures! Hope all is well.

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