Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Katelin Logic 101

Oh my crazy little Katelin girl.....sometimes I think she has her completly own way of thinking.....
so with that thought....I am going to offer any of you a challenge!!!

Katelin has a certain way to determine if her ducks are boy ducks or girl ducks.....

this same logic got her very upset when she saw this picture.....

because Rudolph is a boy but in this picture they made him a girl and she was not happy about that!

So if you can tell me which ducks are girls and whick ducks are boys and why then I will be very impressed, you can either comment on here or facebook or email me or however and in a few days I will reveal the logic behind my silly little 3 1/2 year old!
I'll give you one more little hint: this logic is not applied to humans.... only rubber ducks and reindeer and other such make believe animals!

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1 comment:

Cathy said...

I'm going to say the eyelashes...because that's how my Ari insists you can tell if cartoon animals are girls or boys!:)

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