Thursday, February 24, 2011

All About Me!!!

So here is a random list of things about yours truly.......i'm sure it is much more info than anyone cares to know about me but I hope one day my kids will find it feel free to read it or not!!!!

1. I Hate chocolate.  I've heard other people say they don't like chocolate and then you see them eat a handful of M & M's, you won't catch me eating it at all, I HATE it!

2. However, I do like white chocolate.

3. My favorite color is Purple!

4. I've always wanted a big family & I feel greatful that i've been able to have one!

5. I've never lived anywhere but Kansas

6. Before having kids I wanted to name my first born daughter Shauni Rae, i'm glad I didn't.

7. I've had my heart broken beyond broken but in the end it all worked out.

8. I don't necessarily believe in soulmates but if there is such a thing then I know that I am with mine!

9. I flipped my car onto it's side when I was 16, it left a nasty gash on my wrist and a steering wheel mark on my forehead. I was momentarily unconscience and it was the only time I rode in an ambulance.

10. The EMT offered me a teddy bear but I was 16 and that wouldn't have been cool so I declined.

11. After talking to my brother my friend Kristin ran all the way from her house to where I wrecked because she thought I was dead. I wasn't just mild injuries. The little girls whose house I wrecked in front of , told her mom there was a dead girl in their yard. Her mom came and helped me out of the car.

12. I met Chet in a bar called Overtime when I was 20, I had a fake ID. I spent more time in bars before I was 21 than after.

13. I thought he had a son name Justin, he didn't, he had a son named Cheston.

14. Pepsi is a weakness of mine, I can't seem to give it up!!!

15. White chocolate covered pretzels are another weakness, they don't last long in my house (and i'm the only one who eats them).

16. I almost changed Owen's name before he was born because of Chet and I's situation....i'm greatful that I didn't.

17. I do not like to upset people or hurt anyones feelings EVER, even if it is someone I don't like.

18. I had a doll named Amy when I was little, she went everywhere with me.

19. I still have Amy, her eyes are loose, fingers missing and part of a foot is missing.

20. My childhood dog, Jubilee chewed her up.

21. I got Jubilee when I was in 2nd grade and she died when I was 18, that would be the first time I ever had a broken heart.

22. Brooke and Jake were the rottweilers I had when I met Chet, I had to find them a more appropriate home, my heart broke then too.

23. There was something about those dogs and me that I cannot explain, I loved them but they went to a good home with lots of room to run.

24. The car I flipped onto it's side was known as "Thumper" by my friends and I. Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin was played a lot in that car.

25. I had an obsession with Jim Morrison and the doors as a teenager, I truly believed if he were alive we would have had a connection (don't worry I know better now,lol).

26. My friend Jennie died in 2005 of a drug overdose, even though I hadn't seen her in quite some time, I still think of her often!

27.  My favorite weather is jeans and t shirt weather!

28. I take a ridiculous amount of pictures but always better to have too many than not enough and I have the cutest little models ever!

29. I'm still friends with the girls I met and became friends with in 2nd grade.

30. There names are Mandy, Kristin, Amy and Monica

31. We were all together just last month!

32. I have had a emergency c-section, an epidural birth and two natural births.

33. While the pain was indescribable, I would go natural again in a heartbeat.

34. I think the kidney stones/infection I had during my last pregnancy was the worst pain i've ever been in just because there was no break from the pain, it was constant!

35. I have few regrets in my life, really just one.....

36. I wish I had been a better stepmom when the big kids were younger and lived with us.

37. I wasn't a mean step mom or anything just young and unwise.

38. I wish I knew then what I know now.

39. I don't think the kids hold any hard feelings towards me, at least I hope not!

40. I tend to be a person who has a lot of guilt.

41. Usually for things I have no reason to feel guilty about, just how I am.

42. I feel like I was one of those people in high school that noone remembers.....

43. that's why I have been surprised by facebook and all of the people that actually do remember me.

44. I'm often described as "one of the nicest people i've ever known", i'm happy with a description like that......I wouldn't want to be any other way.

45. I've always been quiet and fairly shy which I know has sometimes been confused with people thinking i'm a snob.

46. I'm pretty sure anyone who knows me would say i'm not a snob.

47. I have 2 tattoos and would like to have one of them changed and get at least one more.

48. I flipped over the handle bars on my bike going down a hill as a kid, landed face first on the street and woke up at my brothers friends house, it left my face pretty much one big scab.

49. I cook dinner most every night, i'm not the best cook but i'm not too bad.

50. We eat at the dinner table together as a family, I think that is something important to do.

51. My wedding was an outdoor country wedding on October 6 2001.

52. Everyone was worried about the weather but I was confident in the farmers almanac and as predicted it was an absolutely beautiful day just a bit windy.

53. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are 2 of my favorite singers and their anniversay is also October 6, they have about 5 years on us. I didn't know this until recently.

54. They also have a daughter born on May 5 which is the day Katelin was born.

55. I nursed all of my kids until they were at least 1 year old and i'm almost embarrassed to say that I nursed Katelin until just shy of her 2nd birthday.

56. My favorite show ever is Friends.

57. I went to college and got all the credits I needed to apply for nursing school.

58. I still plan on going to nursing school.

59. I want to be a labor and delivery nurse.

60. I love christmas and making fun christmas memories for my kids.

61. I have even got Chet getting into the christmas spirit.

62. I have went to take a drink of my beer 2 times in my life and instead of getting beer.....I got a swig of my husbands tobacco spit............DISGUSTING!!!

63. I like most types of music but......

64. my heart belongs to country music.

65. I loved getting to see Rylie meet Taylor Swift, it was a great experience for both of us.

66. I am not a good artist, my husband has that talent.

67. I always did well in school without putting in a lot of effort.

68. I can't stand to sleep with socks on.

69. I worked at Pizza Shoppe (now it's Old Shawnee Pizza) on and off for 10 years.

70. It was my first job, I started when I was 15.

71. I don't like the thought of being buried, I think I would prefer cremation.....of course, I will be dead so what will I really care.

72. I love my drama free life, I don't need or want the drama.

73. Chet and I don't fight, occasionally we bicker but that's about it.

74. I am fascinated by medical things from birth to death and lots in between.

75. My father is alive and well (as far as I know) but he chose not to have his kids in his life 6 years ago and I have not seen him since.

76. It makes me a little sad that my kids will never know a whole side of my family and sometimes they ask me "who is your dad?"

77. I hate, hate, hate to be tickled......I truly believe it is a form of torture. Maybe it's because my brother used to hold me down and tickle torture me but I HATE it!!!

78. I am so mad at myself for losing my beautiful wedding ring while Chet and I were separated.

79. Chet and I were separated for 17 was the best thing to ever happen to our relationship.

80. We were days away from finalizing our divorce when we decided to work on things, it was also April Fools Day.

81. Besides giving birth 4 times, I have only been hospitalized twice......once as a baby with pneumonia and once last year during my pregnancy with Evan, I had kidney stones which turned into a kidney infection (refer to # 34).

82. I've always wanted to swim with dolphins and hope someday soon I will fulfull that dream.

83. I can't hear a sad story and move sticks with me and I think about it a lot.

84. As a teenager I went to a funeral for an 18 month old baby who died of a rare cancer, to this day it is one of the saddest thing i've witnessed.

85. Her name was Jordan and I sometimes think about her when my kids are driving me crazy and whatever they are doing doesn't seem so bad!

86. I have naturally curly hair and I hate it.

87. I've never been able to look in a mirror and think I am beautiful.

88. I hope my girls do not inherit that trait.

89. My husband always tells me i'm beautiful and I love him for that.

90. It would be nice to have more money and awesome to have more time but despite that I love my life and am greatful for all I do have and wouldn't trade it for anyone else's life.

91. I am blessed to have a mom who has always been there for me and given things up to make my life better, I hope one day that I can repay her.

92. I never thought I would have blond hair or blue eyed kids, 2 of my 4 are blond hair and blue eyed.

93. I long to be skinny like before I had kids and I am finally on my way......I have lost 10lbs in the past month.

94. My kids are more than worth every pinch of fat that I have.

95. There is a lot of laughter in my home and I love that.

96. I believe deeply in God, I also believe in heaven........but I have a hard time believing in organized religion. I believe He is okay with my beliefs eventhough people tell me my beliefs are wrong.

97. While I love all my children equally......I also love them all differently because they are all different and unique in wonderful ways.

98. My whole life I wanted to be a is so much harder than I ever thought it would be but..........

99. it is so much better than anything I could have ever imagined, I love is an unbelievable, undescribable love that I cherish!

100. I am a worrier, like now I am worried that these 100 facts about me will bore people but if your still reading than it must have got your interest (at least a little) so thanks for reading it.

101. I love getting comments on my blog so feel free to comment in the comments section at the end of the posts (and to those of you who get this by email, I enjoy the comments you send me via email too so thank you!)


Miss Jackson said...

I remember the day #9 happened, and I think about it fairly often for some reason. I don't think #42 is accurate at all, and I am SURE you have nothing to correct for #36...who could be a better stepmom than you??#87 made me feel really sad. #83 is what makes you special-- you are not jaded and hardened, you have a sweet spirit!! I'm really glad you wrote this was fun to read!! XOXO

Shannon Farage said...

Thanks Missy,

I was a little weary of posting it, it really put a lot of me out there but someday I want my kids to be able to look back at it.

I want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. You have a talent with writing. I love the quotes at the beginning and how they always tie into your story!

Miss Jackson said...

Thanks, girl!! I love your blog, too! XOXO

Unknown said...

I don't think I read one thing on here that I didn't already know about you. But I like that. It makes me feel like we're close.

Monica said...

I loved it and am glad you did it, and love that i can click on it from the fb page. I agree that the shyness you have and i used to have so much can make us seem snobbish. But it helps me to remember that others may be that way also and they aren't snobs either. I think it's sad about your dad and he is definitely missing out on a wonderful daughter and grand kids. What a shame it is and he will certainly regret it at some point in his life. You are beautiful i agree with chet but understand how you feel. This reminded me of a lot of things from years past and about many things we have in common.

Unknown said...

WOW, that was cool! We have a lot in common. You are one of the most amazing people I know and I thank God your family is in pur lives! I guess Abby knows how to pick um! I hope our girls and us stay friends forever!!!!

Shannon Farage said...

Wow.....I am so surprised at how much everyone enjoyed a post about me.....thanks all, it makes me feel special! Meredith....I hope we are always friends, you are a great person! does stir up some fun memories and we are so much alike it's crazy!
Angie.....I agree, I couldn't ask for better parents of my childs bf! I'm not so sure about the amamzing part but thank you. Maybe sometime we can all go out without the kiddos!

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