Sunday, February 20, 2011

Will it ever end????

The craziness that is. I know silly question......I have 4 kids and a husband so the craziness will never end!!!
And I would never want it too, maybe it could just slow down a bit. Another busy weekend, a baby shower, a birthday party amongst the rest of the need to get done stuff!!!!! And I got front ended today!!!!

So your wondering what I am talking about..........well coming to a stop at a red light with vehicles stopped in front of me and the truck ahead of me starts reversing! WTH, I lay on my horn and he keeps going and backs right into me. He gets out and says "well, it looks like you got lucky and our bumpers matched up". Well I wouldn't quite consider it good luck, especially since his hitch receiver left a nice square indention in my front bumper. No apology from him or anything but I got his name and number and wrote down his vehicle info, not sure if I should contact insurance or not.....just irritated me how he said what he said. So that is how I got front ended. Anyway, let me share some pictures of my favorite little people.

So this is what my kids do on a decently warm day when all the snow is melting..............

Yes....that is Rylie and Owen shoveling melting snow. Rylie is in short sleeves but she is wearing a stocking cap and my sweet Owen is also in short sleeves but he's got gloves on, mismatched ones!

Don't worry, I wonder about them too sometimes but sure do love the little stinkers!!!

We surprised the kids on Valentines Day and took them to Build a Bear..............

They had a good time, Rylie picked a pink and orange bear she named peaches, Owen picked a camo bear he named sargent, Katelin got Hello Kitty and I picked Evan a cute little puppy.

Today was a beautiful day outside and the kids helped Daddy get all the outside christmas stuff put away. Rylie drove the mower with the trailer on it to haul everything to the shop.
And we got out the gator, I think Katelin will really master that this year.............
And a picture of my sweet boy whom I love beary much (I know it's cheesy but I love the cute little bear on his butt.)

Here's, as Owen would say, Evan when he's a dude.............

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