Monday, February 14, 2011

Do you believe in LOVE at first sight????

I do!!!!! How could I not??? It's happened to me 4 times......
Each time was miraculous, undescribable, incredible, there really are no words!!!

The first time was June 19 2002.............

Rylie Jo Michelle

Then it happened again on February 2 2005...............
Owen Andrew

On May 5 2008, I got to experience it a third time............

Katelin Rae Elizabeth

Then just 6 months ago, I was blessed to experience it yet again on August 15 2010........

Evan Wade

Each one of these moments holds a very special place in my heart...........each one was unique and miraculous and equally as special. The moment I met each of my babies, the 4 most miraculous moments of my life!

Now let me tell you........... Valentines Day is not a holiday Chet and I celebrate, I think it is a gimmicky, money making holiday and I don't need a special day to celebrate those I love. I do that everyday! I'm not completely bah humbug about it......I do get the kids each a little something. But there will not be a post about a valentines day date or anything so I thought sharing my experiences with love at first sight was appropriate for the day of love!

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