Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dinner, presents, cake.......

It's been a tradition in our family to take the kids out to dinner whereever they want to go on the night of their birthday...............where do you think Owen picked????
Actually, McDonalds was his first choice but I told him we needed to go at least a step above fast food so I suggested either Fritz's or Red Robin......and he chose Red Robin!

So i'm sure your dying to know how we ended up at Fritz's???? Well Rylie really didn't want to go to Red Robin so I think she convinced Owen to change his mind to Fritz's.....she's a bit of a control freak but we sure do Love her!

If you have never been to Fritz's you should try it doesn't exactly have the best food ever but it's kind of cool. There is a phone at the table and you call in your order and then a choo choo train delivers your food to you. I was a little disappointed the first time I ever went expecting it to be a little more than what it is but still kinda cool. Katelin really enjoyed it this time!

Owen was dying to open his gifts so while we were waiting for the food we let him......

Can you tell what he got???

A DSi XL, just like his sister has (but in blue, of course). That is all Daddy and I got him (they aren't exactly cheap and he was estatic with it.) Grammy got him a game and an accessory kit with an awesome case for it, he kept putting it in and taking it out. He said it is like having a briefcase!

And of course I made a cake and got out our "Todays your Special Day" plate.......

As you can see he cleaned his plate, do you notice the cake being very blue in the middle......well Owen wanted to help decorate and the sprinkles came out faster than he thought so we had a big clump in the middle. That was the best I could get them spread around. Everyone said it was good but it was chocolate and well if you know me at all then you know that I HATE chocolate (weird, I know!).

So he still has a small party to look foward to on Saturday, we are doing a camo army theme and that will close the chapter on Owen's 6th birthday......until next year!!!!!

Of course, this is a memorable year with the Blizzard of 2011, don't worry I will post on that very soon (did you really have any doubt???) Chet says i'm a blog addict but I think someday the kids will really be glad that I did this, I know I will. 

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