Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Evan Wade 6 months

Evan turned 6 months old today and he is doing so many things, it is just crazy!!!!

We went to the doctor today and he weighs 20lbs 5oz. which is the 90th percentile and is 29 inches long which is above the 95th percentile so I have me a tall little chunk!!!

He has tried and likes all of the 1st foods and likes the little puffs and baby crackers. He still nurses most the time but will take formula when needed.

He is sitting up like a pro, plays with all his toys, loves his jumperoo and rolls from one place to another. He will often roll onto his tummy and will try to roll back but has his arm stuck behind him and he gets MAD!!!!

He is still the happiest baby ever but when something he is playing with is taken away or falls to the full he gets mad and lets you know it.

He babbles mama and dada all the time and is cooing and screaming, he's definitely found his voice!

His eyes seem to be hazel right now so not for sure yet what they are going to do.
Sitting all by himself!

He loves tummy time now, a few times he's been laying like this but with no smile and he'll stare into the distance! Well I guess he's playing dead because it has freaked out Chet & I both, we had to shake him to make sure he was okay!

The first 3 months

 4 and 5 months
And my sweet little boy at 6 months old..................
I'll be sharing Evan's birth story tomorrow so stay tuned!!!!

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