Friday, February 18, 2011

Crazy Crazy Week

It's been one those weeks..........I feel like all I have done is run run run and I haven't had any down time. My mom hurt her knee and hasn't been very mobile so she's needed some help, we had valentines day partys at school, conferences, dr's appointment and just a million other things been going on and i'm just wore out, mostly mentally!!!!

Then we had yesterday...........a beautiful day, kids were out of school (because of conferences) and playing outside most the day! The little girl across the street came over with her 3 big dogs whom have always scared my kids a little bit. Well one of them growled at the kids, Cayenne is our blue heeler and she is very protective of her kids! She tried to let the other dogs know not to mess with her kids and they all attacked her. It was bad enough that Chet ran out there and was going to get his gun, luckily his yelling was enough to break it up and send them home. Cayenne has some bite marks and seems to be a bit sore. She's a good dog, I know she would protect these kids no matter what!!!!
Then the day got even worse..........I was talking to my mom on the phone and Tanner and Laney (our puppies) were outside running around. We live in the country with very little traffic so we have been letting them run free until we could get a fence put up this spring. I was talking to my mom on the phone and heard a truck so I look outside to make sure the pups were not in the road. As the UPS truck is flying way too fast down our road, I saw Tanner running towards the truck and in a split second he ran right in front of it and was gone. I'm greatful all the kids were inside at the time and that I saw it not them. I knew right away he was gone. The driver stopped on his way off our road and apologized which it wasn't his fault because Tanner ran in front of him but they need to slow down on our road what if a kid had been crossing the road and he wasn't able to stop.

The kids are doing fine....Rylie probably took it the hardest, she sobbed and called everyone she knew, Owen didn't have much to say and Katelin said "well, I guess we will need to get a new Tanner now!"  All reactions to fit their personalities perfectly.

He was a good boy, very loveable and friendly. He just wanted to be loved. I keep thinking what if I had done this or that or what if I hadn't done this or that but I can't change it now. That's the thing about death, it is final........there is no changing or fixing it. I know he's in heaven running free now so RIP Tanner, we will miss you!

Tanner 4-20-10 ---- 2-17-11

Laney won't be running free anymore, can't take the chance. I did learn something about myself through this situation. As I watched this play out, I remained really calm, assessed the situation and did what I thought needed to be done. I did not panic, I did not cry. Then I had to question myself on what was wrong with me why wasn't I crying after witnessing something so horrible! Well it wasn't until I went to bed that night that it hit me and I shed my tears for Tanner. My conclusion is.....maybe it's because I am a mom or maybe it's just because that's the way I am but I think I just am the person who needs to stay strong for kids, my mom, the people I know won't handle these situations really well. I used to cry at the drop of a hat when I was younger but I don't anymore. Even when my Grandpa died it wasn't until I was in bed one night that I cried. I guess I do what I need to do to help people get through things and on my own time I do what I need to do.

Sorry to go on and on, I guess this is sort of an outlet for me as well as a memory book. I try to focus on the good and the happy when it comes to my blog but this blog is about our lives and life is not always good.....bad things happen in life and it sucks but I am trying to keep it real on here also. So while you will mostly see the happy highlights of our life on here, you will also see the occasional "that really sucks" moment and yesterday just happened to have a few of them.

I always want to leave you with a smile so I will leave you with a picture of the people who put a smile on my face matter how much the day sucked!


Miss Jackson said...

Shannon, I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved pet. Someone once told me that when pets pass, she prays that God will store them with our other treasures in Heaven, so they will be there waiting for us. I love that image!! Also, it is SO weird that you wrote a post about crying because that is the theme of my most recent post. I wrote it this evening and just published it. We are on the same wavelength. I will pray that you have a better week next week!! XOXO

Shannon Farage said...

I just read that post and commented on it on facebook. Too funny, your right we must be on the same wavelength. I said that you may have answered a question that I asked myself during all of it. Or maybe God is answering the question for me through you!!!!

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