Sunday, February 6, 2011

Party, soldier and EXPLOSION!!!!

We had O's party on was a camo army theme, we had quite the turnout, had chili and munchies and lots of FUN!!!!
 I bought face paint so the girls could camo up the boys....they did a good job!
Owen and Dylan played the part of soldier really well...............

Evan wore his camo for the day!

And then out of the blue.......a real soldier showed up to the house...........

Well actually that's Matthew, Owen's oldest brother, he is a real mom teased him saying he didn't have to dress up for the party......he came straight over from doing his army stuff so it worked out well!

WARNING: A Disgusting picture is coming up......if you don't like gross things do not continue reading!

So you may be wondering what EXPLOSION I am talking about......
Well let's put it this way.....I don't tend to neglect changing Evans diapers in a timely manner but when there is a lot going on with a lot of people around I may occasionally let him go longer than I should which is what happened on the night of O's bday party! Needless to say I got a valuable lesson on why I need to be more attentive to my son................and yes it was just so bad that I had to take a pic......

YES......that is poop, I have seen my fair share of diaper explosions since becoming a mother but this just may be the worst! I hope this isn't offensive to anyone but i'm just keeping it real because this is a very real part of parenthood, you just might call this the ugly part!


Miss Jackson said...

I do not even have words for that!!! How on earth did poor lil man get it all the way up his back? Clearly, I have zero experience in the diaper arena. You are a trooper!!!! XOXO

Monica said...

My goodness little Evan-he just wanted to spread the joy all over.

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