Monday, February 7, 2011

A Little of This and.......

A Little of That!

No rhyme or reason to these pics......just a few of my favorites from the past week or so (yes, I take a lot of pictures....all the time!)
Katelin and her many goofy faces!

Owen can make some goofy ones too!

Evans new favorite game......the blanket swing!

Rylie drew this on the DS and I thought it was so good. Looks like abstract art that could be found at a gallery, that girl has some talent (she gets it from her dad not from me.)

Rylie slept in O's room the other night and Lucky snuggled up in between them!

Katelin fell asleep playing Owen's DS.

My baby boy......doesn't he just make you smile?!?!

Daddy and Evan!

Me, Amy, Mandy and's hard to believe we've been friends for 25 years now (saying that makes me feel old!)

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