Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Evans birth story!

It all started December 4, 2009 when I took a pregnancy test (actually, I think I took about 4) and found out we were adding to our family! I tried to be creative when I told Chet and had to tell him to go check the shower since he decided not to take one until later and this is what he saw.....

unfortunately the kids lost the 8 so that was my makeshift 8.......It caught him a little off guard b/c he didn't say much at first and Chet's not often at a loss for words but he came around pretty quick.

It didn't take long for the morning sickness to kick in, this was probably the sickest I had ever been, constant nausea and horrible fatigue. It may have seemed worse b/c I had 3 other kids to take care of.

I got through the morning sickness and was feeling pretty good until I woke up at like 2am on April 28 with some pain in my back and side, the pain kept getting worse so about 3:30 I called my midwife, Jeane, and she said to try a hot bath it was probably a muscle spasm. The bath helped a little until I got out and the pain became excruciating so I called her again a few hours later and she sent me to the hospital. I peed in a cup and it looked like tea so obviously something was going on but then it started to feel better so I was sent home with the assumption that I had a kidney stone and had passed it.

All good until I wake up the next morning at the same time in excrutiating pain so I literally cried and moved from couch to couch until about 5:30am when I called Jeane again.....after several back and forth phone calls trying to decide the best thing to do I had Chet call Jeane and tell her I couldn't handle the pain anymore and wanted to go to the hospital so thats what we did. The pain is a lot like labor pains but only on the left side and with no break it is constant. They ended up admitting me, putting me on a morphine pump which was my only pain relief, it was great. After some test, x rays, ct scan there is no definite diagnosis just the assumption that the kidney stone turned into a kidney infection and I spent 4 days in the hospital with a morphine pump and went home with some strong antibiotics and felt much better.

Other than being hugely pregnant during a horrible heatwave (I heard it was the hottest summer on record around the world) the rest of the pregnancy went well, I was hot and huge and miserable but it went well. And it cooled down the day I went to the hospital so I couldn't be out enjoying it but that's okay.....I brought home something that brings me endless joy!!!!
That's one big belly!

Since I hadn't gone into labor and I was vbac(vaginal birth after cesarean section) we went ahead and scheduled an induction for Sat. Aug. 14, I was so ready for the big day and that morning they called to tell me they were postponing for a couple of hours, well several hours went by and no phone call. I finally talked to Jeane and since they had so many women having babies they were postponing me another day.......I balled for like 2 hours. I was mentally prepared for his birth and so ready to meet my little guy so it really really upset me but I knew it was noones fault, it just sucked.

So anyway we arrive at the hospital at 8am the next morning, Chet, myself, my mom and Natalie. Jeanie is there shortly after we get situated. She breaks my water and Chet and I walk the halls for about 45 minutes to see if labor will start, it doesn't really get it moving along that much so about 11 am they start pitocin. I got rid of the hospital gown and into my comfy tank top and into the bed. The beauty of a midwife is they are with you the entire time and I am triply blessed that I have the best midwife EVER and i've known her for 8 years and she's delivered 3 of my 4 babies.

I am going natural like I did with Katelin and it doesn't take long for the contractions to come on quick and strong. Jeane has me sit on the birthing ball which brings some relief but not much. At this point I am mentally having a hard time getting through the contractions. I was in a lot of pain but I was progressing quickly so I knew it wouldn't take long. I moved back to the bed because of the pressure I was feeling and Jeane checked me and I was at a 9. I am a quiet laborer and Jeane said had I not said something she would not have known I was so far along because of how quiet I was.

We had the video camera set up (yes, I recorded this birth), and it was time to push. The "rule" is you push half the time as with your last birth. Owen I pushed for about 10 minutes, Katelin about 5 minutes so I should have this baby out in 2.5 minutes....woo hoo, bring it on.

I start to push.....Owwwwwwwwwww (natural childbirth hurts, there are no ifs, ands or buts about really really hurts like you wouldn't believe but I wouldn't do it any other way). I kept thinking only 2 and a half minutes but it seemed to be taking longer. I'm pushing with everything I have and Jeane tells me to stop, I felt like there was just something stuck where nothing should be stuck, again....Owwwwwwwwwwww! Jeane did inform me he had hair which was very exciting since my last two were bald.

I think this may be when everyone realized he was coming face up instead of face down, which is why he  didn't come out in the 2.5 minutes he should have. Face up basically meant his head won't compress quite like it should so it's a bit bigger than what it would be if he had been face down. Not that it took that much longer but when your in that kind of pain every second counts, trust me! I was in between contractions and Jeane asked me if I wanted to keep pushing or wait until my next contraction. Remember me saying I felt like something was stuck where nothing should be stuck, well I said let's push, I want him out. Well besides pushing I think I was breathing so heavy I was on the verge of hyperventilating. So Jeane, whom I always do just as she tells me because she is the expert and as far as i'm concerned during delivery she is my boss, tells me to slow down my breathing and to wait for a contraction.

This also may have been when Chet, trying to be helpful and supportive, started rubbing my face. I thought I said it kindly but according to everyone else I kind of snapped at him to Please stop touching me. Anyway, on Sunday August 15 2010 at 2:04 pm I gave birth to Evan Wade 8lbs 13.6 oz and 19 3/4" long. He was a big boy with brown hair and a chubby round face and I loved him the moment I saw him. (For the record....Daddy guessed he would arrive @ 2:20 so he was pretty darn close!)

In my experience, usually as soon as the baby is all bundled up they stop crying.....not Evan! He cried for quite some time after he was born, I don't blame him, i'd be traumatized if I came out face up. He probably was thinking Owwwwwwwww also. And it took about an hour for my pain to really subside, this was definitely more pain than my natural birth experience with Katelin. But after we all settled down we bonded right away, my sweet baby boy and me.

While all my births were equally as special and despite this being the most painful.......this was my best birth experience (i've had a few of them you know!)! Besides a slightly annoying nurse who popped in occasionally, I was with people I was comfortable with, it was such a relaxed atmospere. Eveyone talking and besides my pain, having a good time, I was comfy in my own clothes not a stuffy hospital gown. Jeane kept me focused and relaxed, just a great experience!!!

We were so lucky and greatful that Matthew stayed at the house with the 3 older kids so they were all up within an hour or so of Evan being born to meet their littlest brother. Katelin wasn't sure what to think and wouldn't hold him the first day but the other kids loved him right away!

6 months later.....Evan is pure joy! The happiest little baby ever! Evan Wade is 100% Heaven Made!
And it wasn't until after he was named that I realized that rhymed! Evan is a name Grammy came up with that we all liked and Wade is after Chet's maternal grandpa that he never got to meet.

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