Friday, February 4, 2011

Blizzard of 2011


it's because I stayed safely inside my home or


it's because everyone pretty much listened to the weathermen and also stayed home therefore we didn't hear about wrecks and other such accidents!


While it was an impressive snowfall, I guess I expected a bit more from the "storm of the century"!


I am greatful people were safe during the storm, I haven't heard of any injuries or deaths because of it and in my book that makes for a great day!

So...........enjoy some pics from the storm!!!


 Here is a timelapse of our frontyard: 02/01/11 @ 11 am, 3 pm,
6 pm and the last pic is the next morning 02/02/11!
Keep your eye on the stones around the flagpole.

Chet had to shovel an area for the pups!

Tanner preferred to stay out of the snow but Laney had fun!

On the left is our backyard and Chets truck tracks!
On the right are pics Chet took of the birdfeeder and the cedar trees!

More pics Chet took a view from the birdhouse and an icicle on the feeder!

 And the older kids spent most the day playing together in their bedrooms so I didn't get pics of them but they all 3 played so nicely together all was sooooo nice!!! Evan loves looking outside so instead of standing with him at the window all day we moved his seat so he could play and enjoy the view. It was awfully brightso we only left him their for a short time!

And I will end this post with a little bit of personal history........
on 2/01/05 I was in labor with Owen and headed to the hospital about 6pm which was the heaviest of the storm......there was no snow on the ground in 2005!

And in 2009 we were able to wear t-shirts outside during Owen's birthday party, it was a gorgeous day (everyone hung out outside and O got to drive around his new gator powerwheels)! Tomorrow for his party we are expecting a high of 33 degrees, I think we will stay inside, at least he got a DSi and can play with it indoors!!!!

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