Monday, February 21, 2011

If there were an award........

for the best big sister EVER, do you know who would win???? I do.

She plays with the younger kids, she fixes Katelins hair (don't worry the straight iron wasn't plugged in), she takes her potty and helps me all the time with the younger kids. I even got a compliment from another mom at school on what a good big sis she is. At the school parties she always lets Katelin sit at her desk with her and share her treats.
 Evan thinks she is hilarious and she just loves him to pieces. Her and Owen are such good friends. They fight more than they used to but most the time still get along great and play together a lot (unfortunately I didn't have any recent pics of just the two of them).
Playing peek a boo and attacking big sissy.

She almost always shares her treats or whatever she may have with the other kids, if they get hurt then she will take care of them. She is just an all around wonderful big sis and the younger kids all look up to her and love her. And me.....well I am super proud of her!!!!

She is also a good student and gets a lot of missle messages from school for being respectful and responsible, this month she even got her picture on the tree of character at school...........
Love you Ry........forever and ever.............

1 comment:

Monica said...

She's beautiful to boot! What a great big sister!

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