Wednesday, March 9, 2011

As promised.....

I am sharing news about my incredible little Owen! Every month the kid's school has a character trait they learn about and February was Fairness. At the end of the month each teacher chooses 2 kids who have shown that character trait. As i'm sure you have figured out.......Owen was one of the two kids from his kindergarten class! I'm proud of him, he is such a good boy and he is a remarkable student!
I, of course, attended the assembly this morning and there he is with all the kids who were recognized for fairness. They receive a certificate and a free meal at Red Robin. I think he is oblivious to what's going on while he's up there.....he just kind of stares into space waiting until he is told to do something.

It's not really a surprise he showed fairness.....when you have a big family I think that is kind of a trait you have to learn.

Yesterday morning he was watching TV and Evan was playing on the floor, well he went over picked up Evan just because he wanted Evan to sit with him. He is such a sweet boy......I sure do love him!

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