Monday, March 28, 2011

What do you do when..........

your ready to put away the bassinet in storage and your cute little 2 year old has other ideas???
Well, if your me and you have to look at those beautiful baby blues all day then you leave it out for a few days, hope the fun wears off and put it away after she goes to bed one night.

 Yep......there are those beautiful baby blues I was referring to and the funny little girl they belong to!
Oh and a pic of the little man who previously occupied that bassinet that I am finally putting away 3 months after he's outgrown it!

And it is spring or so they say......................

I mean seriously???? It is the end of March and still snowing! WHY????  And of course my kids had to go out in it......they weren't out there too long. Please Spring get here and stay, quit teasing us!

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