Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saturday and Sunday!

Well we were all very excited on Saturday because we were going to see the "big" kids! We got ready Saturday morning and went to Independence and picked up Cheston and Jakee and went to Chili's for lunch. Unfortunately, we either had to wait or sit at a couple of tall tables and since Jakee had to be to work we didn't have time to wait. Which wouldn't have been a big deal except for the fact that a highchair was too short to be at the table so Chet and I had to hold Evan the whole time. Didn't make for a most relaxing lunch experience but still fun.

After lunch we took Jakee to work and got to see where she works.....she is an assisstant manager at a clothing store. She's really doing an awesome job, we are proud of her. Rylie absolutely worships her big sister and was super excited when she bought her a headband and some make up from her store. She bought Owen and Katelin candy.

Rylie wearing her new headband.
After that we headed home, Cheston came with us to spend the night. Owen was pretty stoked to get to play Xbox with his big bro. I took some pics but Cheston didn't want his picture taken so I had to respect that. Him and Jakee were supposed to come out next weekend too so I thought I would get some then but it looks like he may not come now. Matthew will be in Ca. doing army stuff. Hopefully someday soon all 7 kids will be together for a group picture and one with Chet and all of his kids.

Sunday we had a lazy day.......kept our pj's on all day, played some wii, got barbeque take out and just did a lot of nothing and it was sooooo nice. I did, however, catch up on laundry which was also nice. Then later Chet took Cheston home and that pretty much sums up our weekend. By the way, Cheston is still working really hard at his rap music and while it's not my usual genre of music he does awesome at it and has some real talent.
Lazy Sunday watching some cartoons.

Playing Wii.....Owen seems to be the one to beat.

Wii spectators.

Katelin just hanging out!

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