Monday, March 14, 2011


AKA...the first day of SPRING BREAK!!! AAKA...take the kids to the dentist!

Not a big deal, right??? WRONG......were talking about my drama queen Rylie here! Everytime I brought up going (trying to prepare her ahead of time like the experts recommend) she would whine and say " I am not going, they will hurt me." She says she got her gum cut last time, I try to explain to her that we are going to a new dentist and I will talk to them about it. Didn't help, I literally had to drag her into the office crying. Her to younger siblings were not complaining at all. Thank Goodness Chet was able to go with me since we had all 4 kids with us. Rylie wouldn't even let the lady take a picture of her for their files.

So Owen does his thing without one complaint, Katelin is ready not scared a bit until it's her turn and she starts saying the same things Rylie had been saying. I had explained to Rylie that I understood her fear but everyone was trying to help her feel comfortable even the dentist tried to talk to her and I told her she had to buck up. Then when Katelin started whining I stearnly said " she was fine until she saw you freak out, you need to buck up,  face your fear and show your little sister that it is okay." And guess what??? She did it. And she did great, she had a much better experience and left with a smile on her face.

Katelin was still a little scared and the hygentist said kids her age usually won't do it so we'll just give her a ride in the chair. Well she ended up letting her count her teeth....she has 20 and letting her clean them. Besides a cavity in between 2 of Owen's lower teeth on each side, the kids are cavity free. We will recheck those in 6 months.

After we went home the kids got to play was gorgeous! I won't mention that today (Monday) we had snow that began last night! It is SPRING break, keyword being SPRING, why won't winter go away and stay gone until next winter. The rest of the week is supposed to be nice, let's keep our fingers crossed!
Zonked out coming home from the dentist.
I love how Owen & Katelin are showing just a bit of sibling love here!

What's This????
Well to most of us... it is just an old, rusty, dirty pocket knife.......
But to these 3 incredible was a newfound treasure! They examined it, cleaned it and under supervision cut a few sticks in half. It reminded me when I was little and a friend and myself discovered a partially buried bumper in my backyard and would spend hours digging at it. We were convinced we would find human remains and the rest of the car. We never did.

Cleaning the knife.
I sure love these beautiful faces and am excited to have some fun with them over spring break. We have all been sick (Chet and I getting the worst of it, I think or maybe we are just old and not as tolerant as the kids) but we are starting to feel better and I think we will be going to the zoo later this week and maybe make a couple trips to the park.

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